Welcome to…Real Thoughts with Bob Benham!
Introduction to Bob

Hi there! I am an upper middle-aged man who lives in the mid-west of the United States of America. I served my country honorably for four years in the U.S. Navy and also as a Police Officer for 13 1/2 years in Columbus, Ohio. I was injured in the line-of-duty which caused me to have and survive a stroke. That stroke, along with other line-of-duty injuries I received over the years forced me into a disability retirement from the police department.
I have been retired for over 20 years. During that time, I had the unique opportunity to travel all over the United States and a small portion of Canada and Mexico. Over the course of that travel, I had many occasions to meet people from so many different backgrounds and the chance to have had some extremely informative and enlightening conversations with them.
Then there are all those years in my life where I have seen so many things that I wish I never saw and could just forget. I have unfortunately experienced firsthand how the human race can be extremely violent, harsh and cruel to one another. Those images that will forever be imprinted in my brain. The reactions, the feelings, the hurt, and the pain. It is all there forever. To be experienced again and again because of some unknown trigger. But then, I also think that by experiencing it, it has molded me into the man that I am.
So, after some long serious thought, I felt it was time to talk about the different things that are currently going on in this country, the world, and in life. Hence, my desire to start my own website. I still have this strong need to try and help people in some way. It is my wish to discuss a wide range of subjects from life. I am hoping that by doing this, it may make people connect and think. I am sure that some of what I discuss will cause some very extreme emotional responses. That can be a good thing. I also hope to just have some fun with it as well.
I am no recognized “expert” in anything other than living life to the best of my ability. Everything that I will talk about will be centered around research and reading I have done; reading at historical sites and places I have been to; and, based on my own personal observations of what I have been through in life. Yes, I will be injecting my opinion in there from time to time. That is just to be expected.
My goal is that if it reaches just one person that may be going through a similar rough time, or maybe just brings back a good childhood memory for someone, or maybe even makes them rethink what is going on, then this will be worth it. Enjoy!
If you feel the need to reach out, please do. My email address is: Bob@bobbenham.com.