This nation is now 248 years old! Just two years away from getting to that historic 250 number.
I remember all the excitement and preparation that was going on and went into getting ready to celebrate the nation’s 200th birthday in 1976.
The Vietnam War was over and all of a sudden, people were beginning to feel patriotic about this nation again. There were Betsy Ross flags everywhere. Another flag that was flying was the Bennington flag or the “Fillmore” flag, depending on which historical account is accurate. Everything seemed to revolve around the Bicentennial. I do mean everything!
I know a half-century celebration isn’t anywhere close as important as a centennial, but 250 years is an accomplishment in and of itself and should have some kind of celebration.
Now, here comes the part where facts and truth will fire off those that deny the aforementioned.
Unfortunately, the current federal government of the United States is completely corrupt! Every single bit of it!
I swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. This government is 100% an enemy of the Constitution of the United States and its people.
For about 200 years, most of the wording of the Constitution was accepted as intended. Then the socialists/communists finally infiltrated the education system in its entirety as well as being elected to the positions necessary in local politics to start effecting the changes they needed to make. From then on, it went on to the state and federal levels and everything started its downhill roll, and it has been picking up speed ever since.
Now, it has gotten so bad, they have weaponized law enforcement to go after those who don’t think the same as they do. They prosecute them for some very obscure law that hasn’t been prosecuted ever or very rarely. Then there have been prosecutions for laws that were stretched into a new law that all of a sudden became a felony that wasn’t even passed by any legislature. Sounds like something the Bolsheviks or the Chinese Communist Party might do.
Plus, it seems that everything has to be adjudicated in court now. Everyone is suing each other because they don’t like the result of this or that. Because of that, absolutely nothing gets resolved. Each side has to take everything to the Supreme Court for resolution, which we know doesn’t work because they are severely limited in the number of cases it can hear.
Which now brings me to this, and it is the saddest point. The world’s Greatest Generation is about to be no more. Every minute their numbers diminish greatly because of their age. The world is still fairly free from major war because of their supreme sacrifice in World War II. However, every time a World War II veteran is interviewed on TV, he always says that this is not the country he fought for. He is absolutely right!
It was 1989, that was when I observed the change. That was the year President George H.W. Bush took office. I was in the Navy and as soon as he was sworn into office, he began dismantling the Navy and the rest of the military that President Ronald Reagan had just worked so hard to build up. It was then that I knew that something was up, and it didn’t feel right.
Now, I truly fear for this nation. I fear that the Independence that was fought for, in which so many made the ultimate sacrifice for said Independence, is gone and will need to be fought for again in the very near future. I truly pray that it is not the case, but history says that will not be true.
May God Bless the United States of America!